Разработчик фотодетекторов нового поколения с выдающимися техническими характеристиками

Development of lidar solutions for industrial and automotive applications

Development of LiDAR solutions for industrial and automotive applications

You can request additional information about preliminary testing, as well as order a demonstration of prototypes and submit a pre-order request
Mech 2D:
Mechanical 2D LiDAR
Range: 0.5 m…150 m
Viewing Angle: 360°
Solid State 2D LiDAR
Range: 0.5 m…150 m
Viewing angle: 27°…135°
3D Scan System:
2D scan along 2 axes TSS 2D
Vertical scanning angle: 90°
Horizontal scanning angle: 350°
  • предварительная обработка и стриминг данных
Increasing safety when operating large equipment
Measuring the volume of bulk cargo in open and closed areas
Access control to hazardous areas and automatic control of robot carts
Key elements - photodetector and ASIC - are developed and manufactured
in the Russian Federation
A lidar based on the DEPHAN photodetector can “see”
at a distance of 250-300 m
in conditions of strong illumination
Possibility of deep customization of the final system for various applications
Competitive price due to significant localization of production
in the Russian Federation
and high quality service
wide dynamic range
high performance
very high sensitivity, which is maintained even in conditions of strong background illumination
  • The combination of these characteristics is very popular in tasks where it is necessary to detect weak optical signals under strong background illumination.
  • We have the opportunity to exercise greater flexibility in the development of LiDARs, customized for specific customer tasks, having access to the key part of the LiDAR - the photoreceiving unit (photodetector, signal reading and processing electronics).
  • DEPHAN technology allows to create various types of LiDARs for a wide range of applications: mechanical and solid-state 2D and 3D lidars, 3D scanners.
  • We have our own IP for the device design and production technology in the form of an umbrella patent in the Russian Federation and in 6 other jurisdictions.
  • On the Russian market, we are the first and only LiDAR company with a full development cycle of the final system using a domestically produced photodetector, which will allow us to take an advantageous position in the market compared to similar foreign solutions.
About us
DEPHAN was founded in 2014. Our core competence is our own development of a new type of high-speed and ultra-sensitive silicon photodetector with a wide dynamic range. Such a photodetector allows the creation of lidar solutions that remove the limitations of lidars available on the market due to a unique patented technology.

Initially, we positioned ourselves as chip developers and aimed at the international component business. Engineering samples of our photodetectors, which we produced at a European factory, were tested with great interest by lidar companies from the USA, Europe, South Korea and China, and from them we received positive feedback and interest in long-term cooperation.

At the moment, the transfer of our patented technology for the production of photodetectors from the European to the Russian production site is being completed. In parallel, based on our photodetector, we are developing prototypes of 2D and 3D lidars for industrial and automotive applications. Thanks to the unique characteristics of the DEPHAN photodetector and the ability to customize it for specific customer tasks, DEPHAN offers unique lidar solutions for the Russian market and is the only full-cycle lidar company in Russia.
In the mid-1990s, project co-founders Vitaly Shubin and Dmitry Shushakov put forward the idea of a fundamentally new approach to solving the problem of analog detection with a sensitivity threshold at the level of single photons using a multi-cell silicon avalanche structure with negative feedback operating in a supercritical “Geiger” mode. Such structures were subsequently called silicon photomultiplier tubes (SiPM).
LiDAR test setup demonstrated at Laser World of Photonics 2019 in Munich.
The LiDAR test setup was demonstrated at the ICQT 2019 exhibition in Moscow.
q3 2019
q2 2019
The first prototype of a MEMS mirror-based LiDAR system has been created, demonstrating good range (10 meters) in daylight conditions with a detector aperture of 1 mm² without the use of receiving optics.
Patent applications enter national phases (USA, Japan and Europe).
q4 2017
Key elements of technology are created and improved, taking into account standard production processes. DEPHAN receives a grant from the Skolkovo Foundation.
q1 2019
The Russian Quantum Center opens a new direction for the development of analog photodetectors with an extended dynamic range and high sensitivity in the near-infrared range.
The amplitude and time resolution of the Dephan photodetector was compared with commercially available alternatives, the results were presented and published on the SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing website.
RST applications filed and Russian patents received. The technology has been tested experimentally: prototypes have been manufactured with a surface area of 1x1 mm2, a density of amplification channels (cells) of 4.4x104 mm-2 and an efficiency of using the photosensitive area of 83%.
q2 2019
The design of the device was presented at the Photonics West 2018 and Asia 2018 exhibitions, the main results were published.
Based on customer feedback, customized test samples and one-dimensional arrays are manufactured.
q2 2019
The research program financed by the Skolkovo grant was successfully completed.
q1 2018
q3 2019
Participation in the Microelectronics 2022 exhibition, where DEPHAN demonstrated its new generation photodetectors and photoreceiving modules based on them.
q3 2022
DEPHAN presented a prototype of a scanning 16-beam 3D lidar at the Microelectronics 2023 exhibition. Company specialists took part in a round table of the robotics consortium, where they discussed current industry challenges.
q3 2023
The development of lidar systems based on Dephan photodetectors was launched.
q4 2022
Registered as a legal entity.
Dephan technology showcased at Commercial UAV Expo 2019 in Las Vegas.
q4 2019
Since the early 2000s, a research group led by Vitaly Shubin has been developing an alternative approach to traditional SiPM to create multi-cell solid-state photomultipliers with a wide dynamic range.
Early 2000s
DEPHAN successfully completed testing of all necessary technological operations at the Russian semiconductor factory. The production of the first batch of photodetectors of entirely domestic production has been launched.
april 2024
DEPHAN, together with its partner Unique robots, at the Metalworking 2024 exhibition demonstrated the second generation of solid-state 2D lidar for working as part of a robot cart for warehouses.
may 2024
Test samples of specialized integrated circuits (ASICs) manufactured in the Russian Federation were received.
may 2024
With the support of the investor, the DEPHAN Demo Day was held, where the company demonstrated the current level of technological development, presented new products and a product development roadmap for clients, partners and potential new customers.
DEPHAN, together with DCLogic and NLMK, pilot tested a prototype of a solid-state 2D lidar in a mine in a driver assistance system.
may 2 2024
january 2024
Click here to contact us for technical advice and information on testing, piloting and partnerships
Mech 2D:
Mechanical 2D LiDAR
  • Range: 0.5 m…150 m
  • Viewing angle: 360°
  • Angular resolution: 0.3°
  • Frame frequency: 8…40 Hz
  • All-round visibility in one plane
Application area
  • Positioning of production and logistics facilities
  • Access control to various areas of the premises
  • Collision protection for autonomous vehicles
Solid State 2D LiDAR
  • Range: 0.5 m…150 m
  • Viewing angle: 27°…135°
  • Angular resolution: 0.3°
  • Frame frequency: 20…200 Hz
  • Has no moving parts
application area
  • Warehouse condition monitoring tasks
  • Traffic control, restricted areas
  • Driver assistance systems, navigation of unmanned vehicles, robotics
Scan TSS 2D:
2D scan along 2 axes TSS 2D
  • Vertical scanning area: 90°
  • External scanning system for solid-state 2D LiDAR
application area
  • Allows to expand the scanning angles of space where there is no need to quickly update information
  • Control is carried out directly through the LiDAR module
  • Horizontal scanning area: 350°
  • Angular resolution: 0,1°× 0,1°